Adventures In Nightmareland Coloring Contest!

Hey everyone,

We are launching our weird, wacky coloring books, Adventures In Nightmareland and Adventures In Nightmareland 2!

Click here to check out more info on the books

To celebrate we are having a coloring contest. Simply download the coloring page below (actual book pages are square 9.5 x 9.5) but this has been edited to work with standard 8.5 x 11 printing paper (it is a standard pdf file).

Click the link below to download.

When you are finished coloring, either post a picture of it to the coloring contest facebook post at (in the comments) or send it to with the subject "Coloring Contest." You can also submit it to our sister site or their facebook page.

Feel free to be as creative as you'd like. There are no real coloring "rules." 

Contest will end next Friday at MIDNIGHT! (June 4th)

The winner will get both Adventures In Nightmareland and Adventures in Nightmareland 2 for free! Pretty easy! Have fun and looking forward to seeing some awesome images!

Click here to download the full size coloring page