Attention Writers, Get Published! We're Looking For New Short Stories!

We are now accepting short story submissions for all genres, especially horror, sci-fi, mystery, thriller, and anything that is unique or non-traditional. But again, we welcome all genres. Stories will likely appear in anthology books with similar themes.

If you would like us to consider your story, send it to with the subject "Story Submission" and its title. A one or two sentence story description would also be helpful.

**Important - Please Read**

We are paying $25 per accepted short story for NON-EXCLUSIVE publishing rights... so basically, if we like your story we will pay you $25 (and a free copy of the book) for the rights to publish it.

Again this is non-exclusive, so you continue to have the ability to publish it or sell it to ANYONE else, at any time.

- Story length: We generally like our short stories to be around 1,000 to 2,000 words in length, however, this is only a loose guideline and welcome stories of other lengths as well.

- Again, we want to reiterate you would be giving us NON-EXCUSIVE publishing rights. Your story could have also been published and sold before, and that is completely fine as long as another organization does not currently have exclusive rights.

(IMPORTANT) By submitting your story, you hereby agree to the following:

1. If we purchase your story (and ONLY if we purchase it), you are granting us permission to print, edit, publish, sell, and create derivative works of your story physically and/or digitally in perpetuity. Does this mean once you sell us your story we are going to create unauthorized sequels, spin-offs, etc? Absolutely not, this pretty much just saves us from a lot of legal mumbo jumbo when we want to promote the book it's included in. If we do not accept/purchase your story, we have no right to do anything with it.

Why can we edit the story? We strive to keep each story as unchanged as possible... but every now and again we'll have to tweak a few things because a touchy subject might be included that many of our readers would prefer to stay away from (for example, graphic depictions of sexual violence).

Again, you maintain the full rights to your story, you are just letting us publish it. If your story is selected, we will pay you $25 and you will receive a free copy of the book it's included in.

Why is $25 the number? A major reason is due to the non-exclusivity of the deal and also due to the cost of creating a book. It generally costs us around $2,000 dollars to create a book after editing, cover art, and illustration (we like to include illustrations in many of our books as most buyers are visual in nature). And most of our anthologies include 20-30 stories. This also does not include the costs of marketing and promotion, which are extremely significant (this is an understatement). Unfortunately many books do not turn a profit, so we rely on a few winners to keep business going. 

2. All decisions revolving around how a story is edited or what art accompanies the story will be determined by BabblePress.

3. Please understand we cannot publish all stories that are submitted to us. If your story is selected, we will notify you via email.

Again, if you would like us to consider your submission, please send an email with the story/document attached to with the title of your submission and a very brief story description.

We look forward to reading your submissions!