Get Published! BabblePress Is Now Accepting Manuscript And Story Submissions

Hey everyone,

As a growing independent publisher we're constantly looking to expand our library of titles, and we know there are tons of undiscovered, talented writers out there who deserve to see their work in print.

With that said, we're currently looking for completed manuscripts of novels, novellas, and collections of short stories (anthologies) in several different genres. This includes horror, sci-fi, mystery, thriller, graphic novels, art and photography books, children's books, humor and anything that could be considered "nontraditional" or unique (we like weird, and entertaining stuff). Even if it's outside of those just listed, if you've got an interesting concept or story, we'll still take a look at it. 

(Just have one or two short stories? We accept those too, see the link at the bottom of this post)

Here are the details (IMPORTANT) please read:

- For accepted manuscripts we are paying $500 for NON-EXCLUSIVE publishing rights (an additional $500 bonus is also available, details below). This means you could sell us your manuscript and then immediately sell it to another publisher, or sell it yourself on other platforms. Your story could have also been published and sold before, and that is completely fine as long as another organization does not currently have exclusive rights. This gives the author a ton of flexibility in terms of how their story can be distributed.

- There are currently no limits on page count, we're simply interested in good stories. However, please keep in mind we are looking for documents that we can create full books with. Most of our books are at least 100 pages, but this of course varies depending on the genre (for example a children's book is much shorter).

(IMPORTANT) Details Continued:

1. If we purchase your manuscript (and ONLY if we purchase it), you are granting us permission to print, edit, publish, sell, and create derivative works of your story physically and/or digitally in perpetuity. Does this mean once you sell us your story we are going to create unauthorized sequels, spin-offs, etc? Absolutely not, this pretty much just saves us from a lot of legal mumbo jumbo when we want to promote your book. If we do not purchase your manuscript, we have no right to do anything with your story.

Why can we edit the story? We strive to keep each story and manuscript as unchanged as possible... but every now and again we'll have to tweak a few things because a touchy subject might be included that many of our readers would prefer to stay away from (for example, graphic depictions of sexual violence).

Again, you maintain the full rights to your story, you are just letting us publish it. If your story/manuscript is selected, we will pay you $500.

Why is $500 the number? From a cost perspective, it generally costs us around $2,000 dollars to create a book after editing, cover art, and illustration (we like to include illustrations in many of our books as most buyers are visual in nature). This also does not include the costs of marketing and promotion, which are extremely significant (this is an understatement). Unfortunately many books do not turn a profit, so we rely on a few winners to keep business going.

2. Profit sharing - Because we are offering a non-exclusive deal, we currently do not have a profit sharing program. However, if your book sells over 100 copies, you will receive an additional $500 bonus. In the near future we will also be setting up a referral program where you will be given a unique link or checkout code, and if any customer uses that link or checkout code (such as your social media followers, friends, or family), you will receive a percentage of that sale, even if they end up buying a completely different book.

3. All decisions revolving around how a story is edited or what art accompanies the story will be determined by BabblePress.

4. Please understand we cannot publish all stories/manuscripts that are submitted to us. If your story is selected, we will notify you via email.

Again, if you would like us to consider your submission, please send an email with the manuscript attached to with the title of your submission and a very brief story description.

Looking to submit just one or two short stories? Please follow the link below:

We look forward to reading your submissions!